Apple cinnamon oatmeal in cast iron Dutch oven

We made this oatmeal on an open fire one morning while camping. Super yummy and healthy too. We love our cast iron because it takes a beating and will last a lifetime. You can make this on a stovetop of course. It was way better than the prepackaged instant oatmeals.


2 Cups steel cut oats (about)
2 Heaping tablespoons of cinnamon
1 table spoon nutmeg
2-3 apples cut into chunks
4 cups of water (about)
1 cinnamon stick
Garnish wth a couple walnuts

Just throw it all in the pot bring to a boil and simmer until its all cooked keeping an eye and stirring occationionally. Add water if needed.
(Remove the cinnamon stick when done lol)


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